Sometimes the testimony of a fellow sojourner magnifies and amplifies the words of Scripture. As we read Psalm 150, we were reminded of our call to praise the Lord. To praise the Lord with everything in our soul and under all circumstances. Father Dee Wellington Bright Sr. prepared to speak and moments before students joined him on the platform to pray. He shared a compelling account of his life and death struggle. On several occasions, while in Liberia, he faced death and realized help would come from the God who is “GREATER THAN.” His message was clear and powerful! When he closed the chapel service and exited the stage, a young man from the balcony leaned over and yelled “God bless you, Father Dee!” Several attendees came for prayer and to pray for him. It is in these moments that we are all reminded that we are not alone. Serving the Greater than God and seeing His grace, mercy, and peace bestowed on this one man and his life is truly a blessing!