The family of God consists of many different parts. Just like a human body, there is a need for those parts to fit together in harmony to live. Practicing living together in harmony prepares us for the future and impacts our lives today. The world you and I inhabit needs to see us modeling Christ. Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35. While ministering at Fellowship Missionary Church in Fort Wayne, IN, a glimpse of that love was on display. Our Director of Church Relations, Ron Korfmacher, traveled with me to oversee the Taylor University information table while I preached the two services and was reacquainted with an old friend. Ron Collymore, previously a Bible Teacher at Taylor University, shared with me a memory of being a next-door neighbor to Ron Korfmacher. “I loved smoking meat,” Collymore said, “and my neighbor loved eating it!” The men laughed about those days, living and working together. This is the body of Christ. Their love for each other made clear their theological beliefs. Anyone watching the reunion could understand that they were living out in real-time the creeds that we claim to hold. Their lives validated their words. May God help us to do the same. A portion of the Fellowship Missionary Church service can be seen at