IAS 373 Taylor University Spring 2024 Elective

In such a fractured world, the Conversations On Race class provides a real opportunity to dig into the sometimes unspoken and oftentimes misunderstood world of intercultural understanding. Each Spring, we offer this one-credit class with the hope that our students will leave better equipped to engage in honest conversations on the beautiful and complex topics of race and ethnicity. We look at current affairs, engage guest speakers, and hold class forums. Our textbook is Dr. Tony Evans’ Oneness Embraced. We also go outside the classroom with a local field trip and student-to-student interaction. There are many courses and activities on campus that engage this topic. This class is unique because it is elective and, with 15 students, is small enough to allow for true dialogue. By far, our students report that our time in conversation helps to increase their global competence and cultural humility.