Occasionally, something significant would happen on campus or worldwide, and we would get together and discuss it. That is how we first connected. The topic might range from enrollment to global matters. We found the conversations helpful as we processed life. Eventually, we had the opportunity to work together as Nate joined the Intercultural Leadership & Church Relations Team as the Director of International Student Programs. The conversations continued! Recently we have begun teaching the IAS373 Conversations on Race class together. Now, students can join our conversations in a way that enriches us all. We review articles, watch and discuss news segments and regularly interview individuals who join our class virtually to share some of their stories or some specific aspect of ethnic engagement. The class involves conversation. We want our students to be comfortable discussing these important topics with others in a world that speaks more than listens. This is an opportunity to listen, ponder and consider the opinions of others. Our textbook is Dr. Tony Evans’ Oneness Embraced. Usually, class ends with a conversation that moves into post-class pondering. It is beautiful to know students are equipped to engage in a civil, respectful, and assertive manner with others!