January 17, 2022, We will experience a day of learning, challenge, and momentum. For over 30 years Taylor University has formally celebrated the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On this national holiday, our classes are canceled but we are aggressively engaged in learning. In the morning we’ll gather in the Rediger Chapel. Our keynote speakers are Janell & Aaron Lane. The Lanes are co-founders of Courageous Healing & Courageous Living, Minority-owned and operated culturally competent consulting and counseling services. They will share some of their story. How did they get to where they are now? Following chapel, we will have a leaders luncheon where students, staff, and faculty will gather with the Lanes and the mealtime topic will be relationships. How do relationships really work? In our complex world, what can we do to improve work, sibling, friend, and intimate relationships? Finally, from 1-2 and again from 2:30-3:30 in the Boren Student Center, there will be an offering of workshops. Attendees will be able to select 2 of 8 workshops to attend. Topics include mentoring cross-culturally, studying the book To Kill A Mockingbird, Writing, theatrical and Music expressions, looking at International Impact as well as studies on lament & joy. This will be time well invested as we begin 2022. Expressions 2022 will be an event worth experiencing.