by Nate Chu, Director of International Student Programs and SEVIS PDSO
For many of our cultures, food is a love language that creates community and shapes our stories of home and traditions. The act of breaking bread together is for more than just the physical nourishment of our bodies, it feeds our very innermost being.

Tonight fed my soul as almost a hundred members of the Taylor community; international students, staff, faculty, and their families, gathered to share a Thanksgiving meal…a meal loving prepared by those wishing to provide a piece of home for our international students, a meal that was enjoyed by all. From traditional Thanksgiving fare to some, shall we say unconventional, dishes that one might not generally see at a Thanksgiving dinner, each dish represented more than just food but captured the essence of every culture present at the table.

We have much to be thankful for and much to celebrate together…the accomplishments of our students and the bonds of friendships established over the semester. But tonight, I am thankful for the reminder that no matter how busy life gets and the many disruptions that come with it, we must remember to take the time to eat together, for it is at those times that we are able to find home.